Kent Page, a long-standing member of Our Lady of the Lake Science Regional Collaborative in San Antonio, has been awarded the prestigious Presidential Award for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching (PAEMST). Peggy Carnahan, his Collaborative Director, says that Kent has been an active TRC member since 2005 and has been a role model for other teachers in their collaborative.
Kent is the primary science contact teacher at Peggy Carnahan Elementary, a Title One school in Northside Independent School District in San Antonio, Texas. Kent credits the TRC with providing many of the skills and materials he uses to develop a learning environment that maximizes success for all students on his campus.
In Science, we look for evidence. It is evident that Kent Page is an exemplary and outstanding teacher, role model, and mentor. He has made a positive impact on students, colleagues, his school and the district.
Peggy Carnahan, Project Director
Our Lady of the Lake Science Regional Collaborative
KENS in San Antonio featured Kent in their news broadcast.
For more information about the PAEMST award, visit