UT-EID Requirement
All TRC Project Directors and Teacher Mentors (MTM/STM) must obtain a UT-EID for use in completing online evaluation requirements.
If you have trouble obtaining or using your UT-EID, please call 512-475-7387 for assistance.
Note: UT-EIDs are issued and administered by the UT Office of Admissions.
All STMs Must…
Complete the following at the beginning of the grant
- Obtain a UT-EID (see above)
- Complete a TRC Participant Data and Consent Form. All Science Teacher Mentors (STMs) must use the Mentor Web Entry Portal to enter their data, complete the consent form, and update their student counts and courses taught no later than October 10, 2016.
- Complete the online Earth Science pre-assessment before the start of any professional development activities for the 2016-17 school year. Directions for completing the assessment were provided by your Project Director.
- Complete the online 2016-17 Science Instructional Practices Pre-Survey no later than August 31, 2016. The survey will be open from 06/01/16 to 08/31/16. The survey link was provided by your Project Director.
- Submit Mentoring Logs to document any mentoring required by your project for the fall semester.
- Any additional requirements specified by your Project Director.
Complete the following at the end of the grant
- Complete the online Earth Science post-assessment no later than June 30, 2017. Directions for completing the assessment will be provided by your Project Director.
- Complete the online 2016-17 Science Instructional Practices Post-Survey no later than June 30, 2017. The survey will be open from 05/01/17 to 06/30/17. The link for completing the post-survey will be provided by your Project Director.
- Submit Mentoring Logs to document any mentoring required by your project for the spring semester.
- Enter the following 2016-17 student achievement data into the secure TRC Mentor Portal prior to June 15, 2017:
- Number of students taught directly by the Teacher Mentor
- Number of students from question 1 with state assessment data in science for 2017
- Number of students from question 2 who did not meet standard on the statement assessment for 2017
- Number of students from question 2 who did meet standard on the state assessment in 2017
- Any additional requirements specified by your Project Director.