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Instrument Dissemination: Learning Mathematics for Teaching Project

Meeting Title: Instrument Dissemination: Learning Mathematics for Teaching Project

Dates: May 18, 2009

Time: 9 AM - 4 PM

Location: Hilton Austin Airport Hotel
9515 Hotel Drive
Austin, Texas 78719

Eligible Attendees: Project Directors, and Instructional Team Members for the Texas Regional Mathematics Collaboratives.

Type of PDA This PDA is an optional choice for Collaboratives.
This PDA is not designed as a Train the Trainer type of event.

Description: This PDA is designed for MSP project Directors and their Instructional Team Members to gain access to the Learning Mathematics for Teaching assessment instruments developed by researchers at the Learning Mathematics for Teaching Project from the University of Michigan-Ann Arbor. Geoffrey Phelps, a lead researcher on the project will facilitate the PDA.

What is LMT?
Our project investigates the mathematical knowledge needed for teaching, and how such knowledge develops as a result of experience and professional learning. We do so through the writing, piloting, and analysis of problems that reflect real mathematics tasks teachers face in classrooms - for instance, assessing student work, representing numbers and operations, and explaining common mathematical rules or procedures. Assessments composed of these problems are often used to measure the effectiveness of professional development intended to improve teachers' mathematical knowledge.

More information can be found at :

Certificates of Participation Certificates stating Continuing Professional Education hours (CPE credits) earned will be sent electronically after the participant has completed the online course evaluation. Participants should receive the certificate two to three weeks after the PDA. Any questions about certificates should be directed toward the contact person listed on this page.

Contact: Debra Junk, PhD
Coordinator for Mathematics Initiatives
Email: [email protected]

Accommodations: Sleeping rooms are available at the workshop site on a first come, first serve basis at the state
rate. Please contact the hotel directly, referencing the UT/TRC block to book your room:

Parking: Parking is $4 per vehicle per day, which is reimbursable under the transportation guidelines of the TRC. Save your receipts, and submit with reimbursement documentation following the event to receive full reimbursement.

Registration: The cost is $45.00 per day per participant. Checks for registration need to be written to The University of Texas-Austin. Please send to the attention of Jeff Early along with the Registration/Invoice form.

Registration/Invoice Form: The Registration/Invoice form can be found here: download the Word document.

Click the "Register to Attend" form button to proceed to the registration form.