Through generous funding from the Toyota USA Foundation, the TRC is offering online professional development to K-12 teachers of science from across the state of Texas.
The vehicle for this professional development will be the JASON Academy, a nationally recognized leader in science education. Teachers chosen to participate in this project are called JASON Fellows and will provide outreach to other teachers of science as an outcome of their involvement.
Toyota USA Foundation Supports Establishment of the TRC Podcast Network (TRCPN) for Teacher Mentoring
The Texas Regional Collaborative Program is embarking on a project to expand the use of podcast technology to establish a statewide science and mathematics professional development Podcast Network to support TRC professional development programs. The TRC Podcast Network will provide an effective infrastructure for communication and is a component of our master plan for online expansion. Using the TRC Podcast Network, content in the form of text, audio, or video will be “broadcast” online from the originator to either specific groups or to our entire science and mathematics education community.
Once established, we believe this new communication infrastructure will find many innovative applications. Applications of the Podcast Network will include connecting the classroom educator with content and professional development experts, follow-up mentoring after
face- to-face professional development workshops, delivery of organizational announcements, and increased cross collaborative sharing of effective practice. Read more about the TRC Podcast Network. We will be maintaining an index of podcasts and resources to learn more about the technology here.
Toyota supports JASON Project
This spring, 68 new JASON Fellows (JFs) were selected to participate in the Toyota-Regional Collaboratives Partnership grant. These teachers of science will be completing two online courses this summer through the JASON Academy and mentoring other teachers in their regions using the knowledge and skills they acquire. JASON Fellows will also attend a one day face-to-face orientation to familiarize them with the program, train them on the details of online instruction, and build relationships between members who will be taking courses online together throughout the summer. All new JFs will complete the Introduction to Online Learning Course as well as either Structure of the Earth or Teaching Project-Based Science.
In addition to the 68 new JFs, seven JFs from the fall of 2004 will continue their professional development with a third course this summer. Over the last year, these JFs have been providing leadership in their schools and districts in science education to further disseminate the knowledge and skills gained through participation in this project.
Twenty-two of the new JASON Fellows have been involved through collaboration with Spring Branch ISD. Each of these middle and elementary school teachers will take the Introduction to Online Learning and the Transfer of Energy course specifically to assist them in implementing SBISD’s science curriculum at these levels. These teachers will, in turn, act as science leaders on their campuses following their participation.
All JASON Fellows will be earning Continuing Professional Education credits and many will be applying for graduate credit for the courses they are taking.
Toyota USA Foundation Distinguished Teaching Award
Tracie Wetzel Elementary School Science Teacher Fairfield ISD Region 12 Collaborative/Waco |
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Toyota USA Foundation Distinguished Mentoring Award |
Olga Garcia Elementary School Science Teacher EdgeWood ISD Our Lady of the Lake University Regional Collaborative/San Antonio |
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May 3, 2007 - San Angelo, Texas
Learn more about the program, speakers, and teachers honored.
May 16, 2006 - San Antonio, Texas
Learn more about the program, speakers, and teachers honored.
Contact Information
Kamil A. Jbeily, Ph.D., Executive Director
Telephone: 512-471-9460
E-mail: [email protected]
Marsha Willis, Professional Development Coordinator
Telephone: 512-232-5015
Email: [email protected]