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Using the Research Lesson to Improve the Teaching of Math and Science

January 6-7, 2011
8:30 AM - 4:30 PM


The University of Texas at Austin

Sanchez Building: Room 312

Austin, Texas

click here for map

Eligible Attendees

Project Directors and Instructional Team Members for the Science and Mathematics Texas Regional  Collaboratives, and BTIM Project Directors and Mentors are given priority registration. Two persons from each project may attend. Persons not affiliated with a Texas Regional Collaborative must contact Debra Junk for permission to register for the PDA.


"Lesson study is a professional development process that Japanese teachers engage in to systematically examine their practice, with the goal of becoming more effective. This examination centers on teachers working collaboratively on a small number of "study lessons". Working on these study lessons involves planning, teaching, observing, and critiquing the lessons. To provide focus and direction to this work, the teachers select an overarching goal and related research question that they want to explore. This research question then serves to guide their work on all the study lessons." (from: Lesson Study Research Group, Columbia, retrieved on 10/18/2010. http://www.tc.columbia.edu/lessonstudy/lessonstudy.html)

The Research Lesson is the core of the process of the Japanese Lesson Study. Lesson Study has been adapated in the US for a number of years and is a process included in many Professional Development projects across the US. Currently the MSTAR and ESTAR mathematics institutes include the Lesson Study process as a way for teachers to implement RtI and support teachers and students algebraic understanding. 

This 2-day PDA will prepare TRC projects to implement the Lesson Study process with their own teachers at their project sites. The workshop will provide participants information on Lesson Study, opportunities to participate in a “mini-lesson study” process, and resources and information needed to translate the workshop to regional sites. Participants will recieve the book, Lesson Study: A Handbook of Teacher-Led Instructional Change, by Catherine Lewis and four DVDs on lesson study which include classroom video and supporting materials to facilitate their use with teachers. PDA leaders, Michael Kaman and Stephen Marble, professors at Southwestern University in Georgetown, Texas have extensive experiences using the Research Lesson with science and math teachers and pre-service teachers, college professors and graduate students. 

More information about the Lesson study process and materials can be found here:  http://www.lessonresearch.net/. The article, A Lesson is Like a Swiftly Flowing River  by Lewis and Tscuchida is also recommended for those interested in more about Lesson Study.


Certificates of Participation

Certificates stating 12 Continuing Professional Education hours (CPE credits) earned will be sent electronically after the participant has completed the online course evaluation. Participants should receive the certificate two to three weeks after the PDA. Any questions about certificates should be directed toward the contact person listed on this page.


Debra Junk, Ph.D.
Coordinator for Mathematics Initiatives
Telephone: 512.232.0880
E-Mail: [email protected]



Sharon Benson, Ed.D.
Director, Mathematics ServicesAccommodations

A room block has been reserved at the Allendale Suites. Free Shuttles will be available from Allandale Suites to The University of Texas (about a 15-minute ride). Rooms are available for $105 per night in the TRC block*. Please make your reservations as soon as possible to take advantage of this rate. Rooms will only be held until  December 10, 2010 or until the block is full.

Allandale Suites

7685 Northcross Drive
Austin, TX 78757
(512) 452-9391

*limited number of rooms available at this rate...once full, prevailing rates apply


Parking is available at the University in pay parking lots and garages. There is a free shuttle from the hotel to the University each day.


The cost is $45.00 per day per participant. Registration fees cover breakfast, lunch and training materials. Payments are due before this event. Refunds will not be issued for cancellations or those not in attendance.

For this 2-day workshop, fees are $90 per person.

Registration Payment


The registration confirmation email will contain all necessary information to provide to business offices for credit card payment records and check processing instructions.

Participants MUST pay by credit card or mail a check. Checks for registration need to be made out to "The University of Texas at Austin." Please mail to the attention of Jeff Early along with the printed registration confirmation email.

Transportation expenses will be reimbursed. Reimbursement forms will be provided at the PDA. All participants are responsible for their own lodging reservations and payments.


Registration Instructions

Click the registration button below to register your attendance. You will be asked your name, email, and collaborative. If you are not the Project Director, you will need to enter your Project Director's email as well. If you have multiple people attending, please fill out this form for each person that will be attending. You may need to quit and restart your browser to enter multiple people. If you need technical help with the registration page, send an email to the: TRC Web Team.


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