Podcasts Authored by TRC Members
The TRC Podcast Network is funded and supported by the El Paso Corporation, Toyota USA Foundation, Shell, and the AT&T Foundation. Bookmark this page for a master index of podcasts authored by TRC members. Clicking on any of the Subscribe buttons below will subscribe you to the associated podcast series. Each time you launch iTunes, the latest podcast episode for each series will automatically be added to your personal podcast library. TRC Podcasts support STEM professional development in Texas. Note that podcast series are listed with the most recent episodes first.
Get Your Physics On!
Developed by Paula Hiltibidal, Education Specialist, High School Science; Region 15 Education Service Center with support from the Texas Regional Collaboratives (TRC) at UT Austin and the Fluor Corporation.
This video podcast series presents basic information to teachers on how to set-up and use the equipment mentioned in the Get Your Physics On! lessons and activities, available for free to all Texas teachers on the Physics Content Resources page.
The series includes sixteen episodes that incorporate the equipment specified in the Physics TEKS 2F and 2G.
Region 15 would like to give a special thanks to the following people:
- Brenda Moeller
Administrative Assistant, Region 15 ESC
Camera Operator & Set Design - Robert Pearce
Network Engineer, Network Services, Region 15 ESC
Software, Hardware, & Technical Assistance - Randon Lance
Coordinator of Network Services, Region 15 ESC
Software, Hardware, & Technical Assistance - Cynthia Holcomb
Elementary Science Specialist, Region 15 ESC
Support - Beth Lehmann
Middle School Science Specialist, Region 15 ESC
Technology Tips for Classroom Teachers
by John D. Solis, Ph.D, Coordinator for Technology Initiatives for the Texas Regional Collaboratives
This vodcast (video podcast) series presents emerging instructional technologies that support curriculum, teaching, and learning for 21st century learning environments. Although these episodes utilize STEM content as instructional examples, presented skills can be applicable to any content area. Each video episode not only demonstrates how to use the respective instructional technology but also includes pedagogical strategies and considerations for classroom use. Technology topics will include, but not limited to, Web 2.0 tools for collaboration and 21st century skills, interactive whiteboards, Google applications, video editing, and audio/video podcasting. Be sure to update your podcast in iTunes periodically as episodes will be published frequently. You can also subscribe to the vodcast with an updated Web browser or your favorite RSS/news reader.
Index of Episodes:
- Google Docs: Drawing Tool
- Google Docs: Spreadsheets
- Google Docs: Sharing Options
- Google Docs: The Basics
- Overview of Google Tools
Science in the Real World
by Stef Paramoure, Middle School Teacher, New Braunfels ISD
This series is designed to highlight "real world" science. Science journals, careers, teaching methods, and science content will be included. This content is being produced by Stef Paramoure a TRC member and middle school science teacher from New Braunfels ISD. Ms. Paramoure has mastered Apple's GarageBand for audio podcasts and iMovie for video podcasts. She frequently provides training on effective use of podcast content in the classroom. The Texas State Board of Education (SBOE) recently honored Stef Paramoure as one of six finalists for the Presidential Awards for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching (PAEMST).
Index of Episodes:
- Brain Plasticity
- Weathering
- Adam Lee Geologist
- How to Support STEM Education
- Energy Transformations of a Wind Turbine
- Wind Turbine System
- ABC's of the Brain
- Engineering Journals
- Scale
- Visual Information Specialist
- Science Journals Intro
Profound Understanding Of Children's Mathematics
by Debra Junk, Ph.D. Coordinantor for Mathematics for the Texas Regional Collaboratives
This series of podcasts is devoted to the topic of understanding young children's thinking in mathematics. Three major components frame each of these podcasts: 1) how children think about and solve math problems, 2) the kinds of tasks that elicit children's thinking and, 3) how teachers can build a deep understanding of the mathematics they teach. Some of the podcasts in this series feature examples of children's work and a short assignment for listeners to do after they have listened to the podcast. Other podcasts feature interviews with experts in children's thinking about mathematics.
Index of Episodes:
- Geometry with Jane
- Children's Thinking in Measurement
- Children's Mathematics Session 3
- Children's Mathematics Session 2
- Children's Mathematics Session 1
Stereotype Threat
Featuring Dr. Matt McGlone, Assistant Professor of Communication Studies and Stef Paramoure, New Braunfels ISD Middle School Teacher
Stef Paramoure, TRC teacher from New Braunfels ISD, hosts a podcast series
titled Stereotype Threat. University of Texas researcher, Dr. Matt
McGlone, delivers a presentation summarizing his research on the impact
of stereotype threat on female students in STEM classes. Along with
introducing the series and Dr. McGlone, Stef Paramoure recorded five
video interviews. Matt and Stef discuss classroom methods, that can
mediate the impact of stereotype threat on students. Stef Paramoure is
to be "applauded" for the production of this
great professional development podcast series. The Texas Regional
Collaboratives would like to thank Matt McGlone for taking the time to
share this important message with our TRC community of educators.
Index of Episodes:
- Reframing
- Malleability
- Belonging
- Affirmation
- Stereotype Threat Keynote by Dr. McGone Episodes 1-9
Science, Technology & Mathematics Podcast for Teachers (STMpT)
Shawn Schlueter, Science and Technology Consultant, Region 14 Science Collaborative
This series presents News and Views for Texas Science Educators. Headlines and hot topics in Texas education are presented through funding by the Texas Regional Collaboratives for Excellence in Science and Mathematics Teaching and the Region 14 Education Service Center.
Index of Episodes:
- The Gender Divide in Science
- TPM: Texas Projection Measure
- Tom Hsu and Physics for All
Podcast for Science Teachers from the TAMU-Texarkana Regional Science Collaborative
David Allard, Ph.D., Project Director for the TAMU-Texarkana Regional Science Collaborative
Dr. Allard reviews Web 2.0 technolgies to keep Texas STEM educators on top of the latest in online collaborative environments.
Index of Episodes:
- Three Freebies
- Lisa Baxter's Tips for New Science Teachers #6
- Lisa Baxter's Tips for New Science Teachers #5
- Lisa Baxter's Tips for New Science Teachers #4
- Lisa Baxter's Tips for New Science Teachers #3
Lisa Baxter's Tips for New Science Teachers #2 - Lisa Baxter's Tips for New Science Teachers #1
- Free Software #2
- Free Software #1
- Various web 2.0 Tools
- The Digital Goonies
- Online Image Editors
- Dropbox
- Social Networking for Science Teachers
- Online Office Suites
- Blogs and wikis
- Social Bookmarking
Podcasting Science and Math for Teachers and Students
Sara Flusche, North Central Texas College
This series is presented by Teachers in the NCTC Collaborative. Podcasts include “how-tos” and defining science and math terms with hands on applications.
Index of Episodes:
- Parts of a Plant
- Sedges and Rushes
- Building a Worm Bin
The McDonald Observatory, a TRC Educational Partner, host this podcast series.
StarDate, the longest-running national radio science feature in the United States, tells listeners what to look for in the night sky, and explains the science, history, and skylore behind these objects. It also keeps listeners up to date on the latest research findings and space missions. And it offers tidbits on astronomy in the arts and popular culture, providing ways for people with many diverse interests to keep up with the universe.