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Science Project Director Corner


Each Regional Collaborative across the state is led by a Project Director and Instructional Team Members that provide direct professional development to teachers of science. All the resources Project Directors may need to manage their program can be found on this page.

New! We've added a Collaborative Directory page to help you keep in touch with your fellow Project Directors.

New! Check the DataCenter tab for links to documentation and other resources to help your Participants and Training Events entered into the DataCenter.


Resource Folder

Sharing Effective Tools and Practices

Download Sample TRC Recruitment Documents

Download the TRC Logo

Our TRC collaboraives are encouraged to brand TRC related materials with the official logo.
Visit our new TRC Collaborative Logo page to download the logo in many different
sizes and formats. If you need the logo in a size or format not provided please
contact our technical staff with your request.

Websites for Evaluation Tools for MSP Projects

Download PDF here.



Download the Attributes of Effective Science and Mathematics Regional Collaborative Project Directors.


Please note the presence of COMPETITIVE and CONTINUATION funding applications on this page. 

View webinar from November 9, 2010 (RFA discussion begins at about 13:40)

Competitive Request for Applications (RFA) for the Science Regional Collaboratives Program, 2011-2012

Applications for the Science Regional Collaboratives Program, 2010-2011 are due no later than Friday, December 3, 2010 at 4:00 p.m. Central Standard Time

RFA Documents

FAQ for Competitive RFA UPDATED 11/30/10
Integrating TEA-Sponsored Professional Development into TRC Activities (pdf) - see FAQs


Continuation Request for Applications (RFA) for the Science Regional Collaboratives Program, 2011-2012

Applications for the Science Regional Collaboratives Program, 2011-2012 are due no later than Friday, December 3, 2010 at 4:00 p.m. Central Standard Time

RFA Documents

FAQ for Continuation RFA UPDATED 11/30/10
Integrating TEA-Sponsored Professional Development into TRC Activities (pdf) - see FAQs




Required Reports for the Current Funding Period

2009-10 Final Report
Due date: August 13, 2010
2009-10 MSP Annual Performance Report (APR)
Due date: August 27, 2010

MSP Teacher Content Knowledge

  1. Download the MSPTCK spreadsheet and instructions (See links below). Note. The software is an Excel spreadsheet designed to operate in Microsoft Excel® 2000 or a higher version, for Windows®. There is also a version of the spreadsheet for use on Macintosh computers with Excel 2004. If you have a newer version than Excel 2004 for the Mac, the spreadsheet will not work correctly.  
  2. Populate all data fields on the MSPTCK spreadsheet (including the demographic fields on the right ).
  3. Calculate the number of participating teachers that made statistically significant gains in content knowledge by using the MSPTCK spreadsheet.
  4. Print / copy the "View results here" tab from the MSPTCK spreadsheet and insert this result in your final report.  You will also need this information for your APR.
  5. Upload your completed MSPTCK spreadsheet, which will include your data and results, to the TRC DataCenter.

User's Guide

MSPTCK Spreadsheet for Windows

MSPTCK Spreadsheet for Macintosh


MSP login page


TRC Forms & Materials

TEKS-based Needs Assessments 2009 REVISED  (ZIP - 94KB)
Each document in the zip file is available for individual download below.

2010-11 Science and Mathematics Participant Data Form

Teacher Assessment Instruments
A listing of Teacher Assessment (Classroom Observational Instruments) resources.

Project Director Change Request Form
This form must be completed and approved by the TRC PRIOR to any change in Project Director by an institution receiving a TRC grant.
Request for Reallocation
Project Directors should use this form if budgeted amounts between line items require adjustment at anytime throughout the grant cycle. Route all completed forms to Jeff Early for approval.
Science Invoice
Business offices must use this form as the coversheet for all payment requests. Forms must be printed on your institution's letterhead and require signatures from project directors and business office personnel to be valid. INVOICES WITH PROPER ACCOMPANYING DOCUMENTATION ARE REQUIRED FOR ALL REPORT SUBMISSIONS.


  1. Highlights of SECO Project
  2. SECO CD survey
  3. Copyright Letter
  4. SECO Outreach Stipend Request
  5. SECO Outreach Sign-in
  6. STM SECO Implementation  
  7. SECO's Greatest Hits, December 14-16, 2009 Agenda
  8. List of SECO Trainers Added 11/16/10

TRC Event Planning

Honoring the Teachers Events

Purpose of the Event

“Honoring the Teachers” events are strategically planned to achieve the following objectives:

  • Recognize and honor participating teachers;
  • Inform and Engage policy makers, legislators, and state leaders in the program.  (This objective is a very critical and central objective! The “Honoring the Teachers” event at the Regional level and the TRC Annual Meeting at the State level, provide two unique opportunities to inform state legislators and policy makers about the significant role of the Collaboratives in improving the teaching and learning of science and mathematics in classrooms across Texas.);
  • Thank and REWARD corporate partners;
  • Celebrate the regional collaborative partnership in the community;
  • Acknowledge and ENCOURAGE support of administrators to teachers, and
  • Publicize the program through media outlets in the region.

Planning Your Event

Download the Event Planning Guide. This document will help you organize and make preparations for the event.
Download the HTT Procedures document.( zip format) which will provide you with a sample invitation, agenda, an EXCEL spreadsheet to use, and a sample certificate available upon request from your local Senator or House Representative. Download this example of text for award plaques.

TRC DataCenter

This section contains links to easy to follow DataCenter how to documents and other information.

Links to Resources


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