North Central Texas College
The goal of the North Central Texas College Regional Collaborative for Excellence in Mathematics Teaching is to provide high-quality, sustained, TEKS based professional development to math teachers and to build the leadership skills of teachers that will ensure student success.
The NCTC Math Collaborative is new in its creation but has already reached many teachers with sustainable hands-on math professional development. These professional development academies have been welcomed by rural schools that have already seen an increase in bench mark tests.
Lisa Bellows
Science Department Chair
[email protected]
Sara Flusche
Coord. of Math & Science Grants and P-16 Initiatives
[email protected]
940-668-7731 x4332
Home Page URL
North Central Texas College
Thomsen Foundation
Fort Worth Astronomy Club
Texas Building & Procurement- Fort Worth Office
Fort Worth Astronomy Club
Thomsen Foundation
B29 Investments
Participating Schools and Districts
We provide professional development for over thirty area school districts with over 100 campuses involved.
Bowie ISD |
Events and Activities
Date: January 29, 2009
Title: Children's Thinking in Measurement
are becoming increasingly aware that students learn in various ways
that are not conducive to the intended way of learning but are as equal
in validity. This training offers an understanding of how students
solve mathematic equations.