Region 16 Collaborative / Amarillo
To provide Region 16 mathematics teachers with support systems of scientifically researched, sustained, and high intensity professional development and mentoring to assist them in the implementation of the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS). Our program equip teachers with the necessary knowledge and skills to engage students in meaningful mathematics learning experiences. Activities are designed to improve teachers" content knowledge, pedigogy, and knowledge of mathematical standards in Texas.
The Region 16 Collaborative for Excellence in Mathematics Teaching is continuing to grow in membership. Participating teachers are acquiring skills to become mathematical leaders on their campus and in their district. The partnership has opened lines of communication and collaboration among teachers in rural areas often isolated by size and location. Math teachers from across the region are sharing research-based, sustainable, strategies to improve student achievement in mathematics.
- Project Director
- Sherry Clark
- [email protected]
- 806-677-5164
- West Texas A&M University
Participating School Districts
- Amarillo ISD
- Borger ISD
- Ascension Academy
- Boys Ranch
- Bushland ISD
- Canadian ISD
- Dalhart ISD
- Hart ISD
- Hartley ISD
- Hereford ISD
- Highland Park ISD
- Lazbuddie ISD
- Memphis ISD
- Miami ISD
- Pampa ISD
- River Road ISD
- Shamrock ISD
- Tulia ISD
- Vega ISD
- White Deer ISD
Events and Activities
- Summer Institute - July 11-15, 2011
- Project Share Group - 2011-2012 RCEMT
- Post assignments for the 6 weeks
- Share accomplishments
- Store important documents
- Chat sessions among members instantly
- Share ideas, resources, and strategies
- Webinar professional development sessions each 6 weeks